Lucy Ng’ang’a: My Experience at YALI

By Koech Cheruiyot Denis

Lucy Ng’ang’a. Photo: Koech C Denis


LucyNg’ang’a, Yes Youth Can! Rift Valley beneficiary from  Trans-Nzoia is an ambitious entrepreneur. The 30-year-old empowered young woman was recently selected to participate in the Young Africa Leadership Initiative (YALI) training program. We asked her a few questions and here are her responses.Continue reading “Lucy Ng’ang’a: My Experience at YALI”

Maureen Birir’s Experience at YALI

By Koech Cheruiyot Denis

Maureen Birir. She was selected due to her civic leadership credentials.


Maureen Birir is he former secretary of Nakuru Couny Youth Bunge Forum. In June 2015, was selected to participate in the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) training program. YALI was established by the President of the United States in April 2014It currently has almost 140,000 members.

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Mentored Woman Moulding the Future of Young Children

By Koech Cheruiyot Denis

This writer and his team arrive at Excel Early Childhood Academy in Kiminini, Trans-Nzoia at 1PM. The founder and head teacher, Susan Nyongesa, welcomes her guests to a semi-permanent classroom packed with children between the three and eight years old. They are taking porridge. Their glaring innocent eyes say a loud welcome.

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Mentorship in the land of conservative culture

By Koech Cheruiyot Denis

West Pokot County is a county with intrinsic culture. Culture dictates everything and no one dares goes against it. That is why female circumcision, wife inheritance and other archaic facets of culture are still rooted in most of its parts.

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Man of the People

By Koech Cheruiyot Denis

‘When you find a song being sung, sing it too’ is a two-edged African proverb that can build or destroy according to one’s understanding. Hillary Rono used the proverb to build his present. He was a jobseeker cum political broker in 2011 when the Yes Youth Can! (YYC) program started its operation in Rift Valley. He immediately mobilized fellow youth to form Kisor Youth Bunge, which he became its president that year.Continue reading “Man of the People”